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Leaky Gut

5 min read

Fecal Zonulin - What does it tell us?

What is Zonulin? Zonulin, used in conjunction with other fecal inflammation markers such as calprotectin, can help clinicians to distinguish between...

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8 min read

Infant Allergy & The Maternal Environment

Why do some children have problems with IgE allergy as infants? A history of IgE-mediated allergic disorders in infancy or early childhood...

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Patient that is caring for their microbiome

5 min read

The Way to the heart may truly Be Through The Gut

Diet, heart disease and the gut microbiome More than 30% of deaths worldwide involve cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVDs include coronary artery...

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Images of brain scans

5 min read

Happy Holidaze? Can Holiday Stressors Lead to (neuro)Inflammation?

The season of stress is upon us. The winter months are host to a dizzying number of holidays, secular and not, for a variety of cultures around the...

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Individual working on project experiencing Chronic Fatigue

4 min read

Chronic fatigue and gastrointestinal health

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a vaguely defined disorder characterized by persistent unexplained relapsing physical/mental fatigue worsened by...

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Women having an allergic reaction to foods

5 min read

Allergy, sensitivity and…stool testing

Gastrointestinal dysfunction and loss of gut microbiome diversity have been associated with an increased risk of IgE allergy, leaky gut syndrome and...

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6 min read

How do environmental factors contribute to "leaky gut" syndrome?

Both external and internal conditions can result in the development of a “leaky gut”. Guidance from stool test results can help clinicians choose...

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Thanks giving food array

3 min read

Hidden foods & chronic symptoms – what’s hiding in your holiday treat?

‘Tis the season for dietary indiscretion. Between Halloween leftovers, Mom’s famous Thanksgiving sweet potato casserole, and traditional December...

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5 min read

4 Things Clinicians Need to Know About Candida Immunoglobulin (Ig) Screening

In September 2019 US Biotek Laboratories added an Ig Candida screen to all IgG, IgG4, and IgA food sensitivity testing. The Candida screen was added...

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Weights and healthy foods

5 min read

How Food Intolerance and Environmental Pollutants Affect Athletes

Intestinal barrier function is regulated by tight junctions, which play an important role in the passage of ions, water, and molecules through the...

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leaky gut, how and why it occurs

3 min read

Leaky Gut: How and Why It Occurs

When the intestinal epithelial lining barrier is compromised, it leads to a leaky gut. The foundation of this barrier consists of only a single layer...

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1 min read

Autoimmune Diseases and Food Sensitivities

A leaky gut can lead to the initiation and progression of autoimmune disease, especially in people who are genetically predisposed. Autoimmune...

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